
How Students with ADHD Can Learn Through Virtual Tutoring

Online ADHD Tutoring

For those parents of students who have ADHD, you know that learning information in a traditional classroom setting isn’t always the best option for your child. Many students feel as though learning in a classroom can be very challenging and it can be difficult to concentrate. Luckily, online tutoring may be the best option for your child with ADHD.

How Online Tutoring Could Affect Students with ADHD

Although ADHD presents its challenges, many students have found success with online learning and online tutoring services. Allowing students to learn in a more familiar setting like their home or their bedroom, can be a better option. The home environment can consist of less distractions, fewer social distractions, they’re free to move around their space whenever they want, and they can also complete their work on their own time. Online tutoring does require some motivation and self-discipline, but it can be a great way for your student to take their education into their own hands and perform to the best of their abilities on their own time.

Effects and Difficulties of Online ADHD Tutoring

As you weigh the pros and cons of online tutoring, here are some positive effects and some difficulties to consider.


  • Your child can develop stronger time management skills, as they will have to complete their work on their own time.
  • Your child can develop stronger learning skills because they are learning in a comfortable environment that doesn’t restrict them.
  • Your child can learn the material in a much deeper way because their personal education is being prioritized instead of a class setting.


  • Your child will have to be motivated, as online tutoring is dependent on them and their ability to complete the work at hand.
  • There is not a group setting. This can be interpreted as a positive or a negative depending on your child’s learning style, but sometimes students need a group setting to strive.
  • Online tutoring does require technology and if you have restricted technological capacities, your child may not receive the highest quality tutoring.
  • Distractions. Distractions are inevitable, either within the classroom or outside of the classroom, but your child will need to learn to manage distractions as they learn online.

Steps to Take to Keep Your Student’s Attention

For many students with ADHD, it can be difficult to distinguish the teacher from background noise of a classroom like other students, noises in the other room, etc. Before beginning the lesson, establish eye contact so that your child knows who is in charge and that there is learning that needs to take place. As you shift the spotlight over to the teacher, ensure that they know to establish eye contact (to the best of their abilities as permitted by technology) and demonstrate to your child that they are in charge and should be listened to. After all, if your child is not paying attention, they are not learning.
Additionally, eliminate as many distractions as you can within the space that your child will be learning within. If your child is able to take lessons in his room, take out all of the distracting items within the room so that they know it’s time to learn. You can replace these items after the session is over. In conjunction with eliminating distracting items, also keep your child’s desk or workspace as clear as possible so that they aren’t easily distracted during the lesson.
Something helpful to remember is that children with ADHD need structure. With a structured external environment, it only helps so that they can structure themselves internally down the line. Establish patterns and rules for the days where your child has lessons and allow for them to precisely follow those patterns and guidelines on those days so that they can be set up for success.

Benefits of Online Tutoring

The benefits of online tutoring are numerous and can greatly impact your child’s education. Not only does online tutoring provide a flexibility that simply isn’t held within the traditional classroom setting, it can teach your child valuable lessons about time management and self-determination. Your child has the capability to do work on their own time, move as freely as they want to, and really take a hands-on approach to their learning. Online tutoring teachers will prioritize your child’s learning and teach them material in a manner that best suits their needs. If you are interested in tutoring within the Chicago area, we here at My Tutor Anywhere are here to help! We specialize in tutoring students with special needs and can put your child on the path to academic success today! Give us a call or visit our website for more information.

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